Valarie Holst - Realtor
Melissa is a top-producing and award winning Realtor. Once you meet her, it will not be a surprise to you that she has been very successful. She has had a passion for architecture, interior design and helping people since she was a young girl growing up in New England. Her family owned an interior decorating & upholstery business and she worked there from a tender age. After college she began a 13 year career in the hospitality industry. Working for Marriott International, she honed her sales &...
Joanne has been listing and selling Real Estate for 30 years in Philadelphia and the surrounding suburbs. She is also licensed in New Jersey where she holds her brokers/salespersons license. She sells vacation/resort beach homes from Ocean City to The Wildwoods.
My Priorities Are Simple - They're Yours! * An award winning agent - in the network;Top 1% Nationally * A top producer in the Farmington Valley * In the Presidents Circle * High producing agent in the Farmington office * Relocation Certified * Fine Home Specialist * Five star agent for past 10 years * Multi-million dollar producer * Team Leader * Offering leading edge technology and marketing skills * For fast, efficient and professional service, call Pia For Real Estate in Burlington, Farmin...
Realtor.com® is the trusted resource for home buyers, sellers and dreamers, offering the most comprehensive source of for-sale properties, among competing national sites, and the information, tools and professional expertise to help people move confidently through every step of their home journey. It pioneered the world of digital real estate 20 years ago, and today helps make all things home simple, efficient and enjoyable. Realtor.com® is operated by News Corp [NASDAQ: NWS, NWSA] [ASX...
- 32 years real estate experience in the Farmington Valley area - Top 3% Nationally - Consistently a top producing award winner - Certified Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices New England Properties Relocation Specialist - Accredited Buyer Broker - Member of the Greater Hartford Association of Realtors - Member of the Connecticut Association of Realtors - Member of the National Association of Realtors - Award winning customer service provider - Volunteer for the "Village for Families & Children" - S...
I was fortunate to have been on HGTV twice: House Hunters Season 178 / Episode 1 Tiny House Hunters Season 4 / Episode 28 I appreciate anyone and everyone I have had the pleasure of working with that has allowed me to reach this point in my life. Thank you in advance for your time and efforts and I look forward to working with all Buyer and Seller referrals for Northwest Arkansas and/or around the globe. And be sure to say 'Hi' at any of the RE/MAX Conventions...I love to network and share i...
We are an unrivaled network of top real estate brokerage professionals that operate in every luxury real estate market in the country. Effectively, we have connected the luxury real estate markets in a way that has never been done. As most high-net-worth individuals own multiple luxury residential properties in different markets, real estate has become a global asset class. That’s why The Private Client Network is uniquely positioned to deliver a seamless brokerage services experience acros...
I am a Residential/Commercial Specialist with over 15 years Experience & Multi-Award Winning Realtor. I market All Properties/All Areas: NewConstruction,Commercial,Business,Residential,VacantLand,WaterfrontProperties,Investments,For Sale By Owners, Foreclosures,Bank/City Owned,FHA/VA, Repossessions,Short Sales,Lease Properties,& Land Contracts! I'm also a Relocation Specialist & assist in Worldwide Relocation. I Look Forward to Working with You!
REALTOR® Magazine Staff REALTOR® Magazine, print and online, is REALTORS®' best source of information on how to achieve business success. The magazine and Web site advance real estate industry best practices, bring expert insights to significant trends, and provide REALTORS® with timely decision-making tools on business purchases and strategies.