Realtor.com® is the trusted resource for home buyers, sellers and dreamers, offering the most comprehensive source of for-sale properties, among competing national sites, and the information, tools and professional expertise to help people move confidently through every step of their home journey. It pioneered the world of digital real estate 20 years ago, and today helps make all things home simple, efficient and enjoyable. Realtor.com® is operated by News Corp [NASDAQ: NWS, NWSA] [ASX...
We are an unrivaled network of top real estate brokerage professionals that operate in every luxury real estate market in the country. Effectively, we have connected the luxury real estate markets in a way that has never been done. As most high-net-worth individuals own multiple luxury residential properties in different markets, real estate has become a global asset class. That’s why The Private Client Network is uniquely positioned to deliver a seamless brokerage services experience acros...
A worldwide collection of top brokers representing the finest luxury properties across the globe, Who’s Who in Luxury Real Estate has been leading the real estate industry since 1986. This hand-selected group of more than 125,000 professionals with properties in more than 62 countries collectively sells over $240 billion of real estate annually, making it the most elite and comprehensive luxury real estate network in the world. Who's Who in Luxury Real Estate’s global network is sho...
Luxury Portfolio International is the leading network of the world’s premier luxury real estate brokerages and their top agents, offering unparalleled marketing and intelligence services across the globe. It is the luxury arm of Leading Real Estate Companies of the World® the global network of top independent real estate firms, with 550 companies and 150,000 sales associates in 70 countries. Last year, network members participated in over 1.3 million global transactions, with $296 billion ...
Our Dallas Luxury Realty team writes regular blog posts on just about every real estate topic under the sun. Check out our articles on our site.
Luxury Big Island is the premier brokerage for the most desirable real estate that Hawaii has to offer. A home in Hawaii is more than a luxurious getaway; it is an investment and it should be treated as such. Whether you are preparing to buy or sell a home, you need an advisor with extensive knowledge of the area and the evolving trends in the market to help you make the right decision. Luxury Big Island’s portfolio of exclusive listings is the most extensive of any broker on...
REALTOR® Magazine Staff REALTOR® Magazine, print and online, is REALTORS®' best source of information on how to achieve business success. The magazine and Web site advance real estate industry best practices, bring expert insights to significant trends, and provide REALTORS® with timely decision-making tools on business purchases and strategies.
Antonia Quanstrom has been a very , full-time realtor in the East Bay for 17 years and is currently ranked in the top 1% of all Realtors in Contra Costa County. As a Walnut Creek native, she specializes in Walnut Creek and the surrounding cities. Antonia grew up in a “real estate” family: Her mother was a Walnut Creek realtor for over 25 years and her father was a developer who built homes in Walnut Creek. Antonia lives in her childhood home in Walnut Creek that her father built. Anton...