Good Service Isn't Expensive, It's Priceless! I'm celebrating 25 Years of providing my clients with the best service possible! Buying, selling, relocating or building new - it's all about the experience of moving them in to their dream.
Realtor.com® is the trusted resource for home buyers, sellers and dreamers, offering the most comprehensive source of for-sale properties, among competing national sites, and the information, tools and professional expertise to help people move confidently through every step of their home journey. It pioneered the world of digital real estate 20 years ago, and today helps make all things home simple, efficient and enjoyable. Realtor.com® is operated by News Corp [NASDAQ: NWS, NWSA] [ASX...
I am a motivated Realtor with a strong desire to help you achieve your Homeownership goals. I work hard to ensure that my clients needs are always addressed and questions answered.
Denise Fair, co-owner of RE/MAX Centex in Waco, is no stranger to the real estate business. Not only is she an accomplished and experienced REALTOR, she has also demonstrated her entrepreneurial, management, and people skills by being named RE/MAX of Texas Broker/Owner of the Year in 2012 and again in 2014. Denise offers a perspective to the industry that is unique among her colleagues. She also serves as Senior Escrow Officer of Walt Fair, PLLC and has closed thousands of transactions in her c...
Sarah is a Real Estate professional, offering support and guidance throughout the entire process of whether you are buying or selling. Sarah understands and studies market conditions in the central Ohio. Sarah takes pride in delivering the best service because she cares and holds herself to very high standards. Sarah is a person with great integrity, committed to giving, building relationships, and helping people. With having over 15 years of Sales experience, a strong skill set in contract nego...