Born and raised in East Tennessee, I am a graduate of the University of Tennessee. I have been a business professional in the area for over 30 years and a practicing realtor since 2013. I have been an industry partner with my husband at Panther Steel Company since 1998. I combine my skills to provide my clients with the knowledge ,experience and support they require and expect. And, as Tennessee is the Volunteer state, I do my part by serving with boards and foundations in the area such as: HcE...
Realtor.com® is the trusted resource for home buyers, sellers and dreamers, offering the most comprehensive source of for-sale properties, among competing national sites, and the information, tools and professional expertise to help people move confidently through every step of their home journey. It pioneered the world of digital real estate 20 years ago, and today helps make all things home simple, efficient and enjoyable. Realtor.com® is operated by News Corp [NASDAQ: NWS, NWSA] [ASX...
The Nation’s Premier Print and Digital Publisher of Local Business News American City Business Journals is a multi-platform media company providing in-depth coverage of local business communities and breaking news. Through print, digital products and face-to-face events, ACBJ offers business leaders many avenues for making connections and gives them a competitive edge locally, regionally and nationally. ACBJ is the premier media solutions platform for companies that target business decision...
Since 1996, I have been selling real estate in the Morristown and Lakeway area of East Tennessee. As a native of Hamblen County, I strive for success and I believe great customer service is the key to that success. I am a full time realtor, which means you get full time service. If you plan to sell or buy in Hamblen, Jefferson, Hawkins, Grainger, or Cocke Counties, please give me a call and I will exceed your expectations.
I am Amy Shrader, native of Morristown, Tennessee. I became a licensed real estate agent in May 2012. I hold the SRS (Seller Representation Specialist) and RSPS (Resort and Second Home Property Specialist) certifications. Prior to becoming an agent, I had over 11 years experience in real estate, as both a mortgage loan originator and a title agent. This background differentiates me from most other agents, because I do see and understand all facets of the transaction.
REALTOR® Magazine Staff REALTOR® Magazine, print and online, is REALTORS®' best source of information on how to achieve business success. The magazine and Web site advance real estate industry best practices, bring expert insights to significant trends, and provide REALTORS® with timely decision-making tools on business purchases and strategies.
I was fortunate to have been on HGTV twice: House Hunters Season 178 / Episode 1 Tiny House Hunters Season 4 / Episode 28 I appreciate anyone and everyone I have had the pleasure of working with that has allowed me to reach this point in my life. Thank you in advance for your time and efforts and I look forward to working with all Buyer and Seller referrals for Northwest Arkansas and/or around the globe. And be sure to say 'Hi' at any of the RE/MAX Conventions...I love to network and share i...
My diverse career includes manufacturing and healthcare administration roles, plus new constructions with my spouse as licensed contractors. The opportunity to serve community organizations such as Habitat for Humanities has been especially rewarding. My greatest pleasure comes from our commitment to God and family; and we certainly do enjoy putting buyers/sellers together and reaping the rewards of satisfied customers...we are thankful.