Realtor.com® is the trusted resource for home buyers, sellers and dreamers, offering the most comprehensive source of for-sale properties, among competing national sites, and the information, tools and professional expertise to help people move confidently through every step of their home journey. It pioneered the world of digital real estate 20 years ago, and today helps make all things home simple, efficient and enjoyable. Realtor.com® is operated by News Corp [NASDAQ: NWS, NWSA] [ASX...
As a RE/MAX® agent, I’m dedicated to helping my clients find the home of their dreams. Whether you are buying or selling a home or just curious about the local market, I would love to offer my support and services. I know the local community — both as an agent and a neighbor — and can help guide you through the nuances of our local market. With access to top listings, a worldwide network, exceptional marketing strategies and cutting-edge technology, I work hard to make your real e...
We are an unrivaled network of top real estate brokerage professionals that operate in every luxury real estate market in the country. Effectively, we have connected the luxury real estate markets in a way that has never been done. As most high-net-worth individuals own multiple luxury residential properties in different markets, real estate has become a global asset class. That’s why The Private Client Network is uniquely positioned to deliver a seamless brokerage services experience acros...
Jonathan is a real estate professional who has spent seven years honing his skills in the field. A born leader, he has into an expert negotiator, a master service provider, and a resource knowledgeable in an array of real estate-related areas. Hailing from Newport Beach, California, Jonathan relocated to Austin in 2009 in order to pursue a career opportunity in real estate. He served as the Sales Manager at his previous brokerage for three years, overseeing thirty and surpassing office revenu...
My husband Chris and I and I have been married for 29 years. We moved from Columbus, Indiana to Franklin over 25 years ago. Since then we have had four beautiful daughters. Our oldest, Macy is married . She and her husband reside in Indianapolis, Our second oldest, Mallory, resides in Minneapolis,Minnesota where she is working for a corporate company in Public Relations. Madison is our third oldest. She is a sophomore at Indiana University where she is studying executive production. She went ag...
As a seasoned sales agent, I guarantee satisfaction at all times. I will work hard for you the client and deliver the genuine service you deserve. Let's talk!... and then we shall start the journey towards finding the keys to your blessing.
As a RE/MAX® agent, I’m dedicated to helping my clients find the home of their dreams. Whether you are buying or selling a home or just curious about the local market, I would love to offer my support and services. I know the local community — both as an agent and a neighbor — and can help guide you through the nuances of our local market. With access to top listings, a worldwide network, exceptional marketing strategies and cutting-edge technology, I work hard to make your real e...
REALTOR® Magazine Staff REALTOR® Magazine, print and online, is REALTORS®' best source of information on how to achieve business success. The magazine and Web site advance real estate industry best practices, bring expert insights to significant trends, and provide REALTORS® with timely decision-making tools on business purchases and strategies.