Joshua grew up in the real estate industry working in property management and started his business as a real estate broker in 2016. He has found his true passion in fostering and giving back to the communities he serves through his clients. His "client first" philosophy in real estate means keeping himself accessible, being a good listener as well as a good communicator, and responding quickly to your needs. In today's market, you have endless options but his focus is on developing and fosteri...
Social Media Private Client Team Private Client Network Revenue $1B+ sold to date $80MM sold in 2020 $125MM projected sales in 2021 Serving NYC & Greenwich 7 Team Members Press New Record-Breaking Sale on Dune Road, This Time in East Quogue On the Market, Greenwich CT How this Compass broker built a private client network across U.S. luxury markets 7 Stylish Homes With Sophisticated Drinking Lounges on Property ‘Make Me Move’: Sellers Are Listing Their Homes at Ridiculou...
We are an unrivaled network of top real estate brokerage professionals that operate in every luxury real estate market in the country. Effectively, we have connected the luxury real estate markets in a way that has never been done. As most high-net-worth individuals own multiple luxury residential properties in different markets, real estate has become a global asset class. That’s why The Private Client Network is uniquely positioned to deliver a seamless brokerage services experience acros...
Luxury and Condominium Expert in Seattle and Eastside MarketsJeff is the editor and founder of UrbanCondoSpaces.com, a blog dedicated to urban living and real estate in Seattle and Bellevue. In his 18 years of experience in the greater Seattle real estate market, he has worked as a real estate advisor, land acquisition consultant, and and broker for companies such as Walgreens, Bank of America, and WRE. Jeff is also the principal and of founder of Urban Condominiums and Urban IMG, LLC. Jeff s...
G.'s clients appreciate his honesty, accessibility and tenacity in helping a seller get the most exposure and highest price. His success stems from providing his clientele with guidance, resources and the support they need to find the perfect property. G. is praised by clients his ability to make deals happen. He prides himself on his referral business and his repeat clients. A diverse educational and professional background has allowed G. to think outside the box. He brings experience in fin...
Following a successful engineering career, I focused my attention on the very volatile real estate market. And I have been having a blast. Engineering is much about problem solving. as is real estate brokerage. Sellers want to sell, and buyers want to buy. As an agent, I put my problem solving skills to work, by listening to my clients wishes, and empowering their decisions. We become a successful team. We close without issue, and everybody wins.
I have been in professional business both as an warehouse owner, and other real estate investments owner. I have over 35 years in business, and 15 years professional real estate experience. I am also an independent contractor with the Piaa athletic assoc. officiating scholastic sports.
Why Choose Chudik Group? Maggie Chudik formed Chudik Group out of her passion for assisting clients in the buying and selling of one of the most important assets in their life... their home. Being a licensed Real Estate Agent for over 20 years in Columbus, Maggie knows the true importance of being professional, honest, and readily available to her clients. With this, Maggie has built a team of customer-focused individuals, like herself, with the goal to create a sy...
Geoff is well seasoned the process of buying, selling, renting, investment opportunities. Using reliable market data confident negotiation strategies, his business is focused on providing the highest possible of service his clients as he advises them through every step of the transaction. January of 2018, Geoff joined the team at where he has combined his expertise in the Boston-Metro market with ' cutting edge technology market insights to leverage his strengths within the industry. A...