Joshua grew up in the real estate industry working in property management and started his business as a real estate broker in 2016. He has found his true passion in fostering and giving back to the communities he serves through his clients. His "client first" philosophy in real estate means keeping himself accessible, being a good listener as well as a good communicator, and responding quickly to your needs. In today's market, you have endless options but his focus is on developing and fosteri...
We are an unrivaled network of top real estate brokerage professionals that operate in every luxury real estate market in the country. Effectively, we have connected the luxury real estate markets in a way that has never been done. As most high-net-worth individuals own multiple luxury residential properties in different markets, real estate has become a global asset class. That’s why The Private Client Network is uniquely positioned to deliver a seamless brokerage services experience acros...
Social Media Private Client Team Private Client Network Revenue $1B+ sold to date $80MM sold in 2020 $125MM projected sales in 2021 Serving NYC & Greenwich 7 Team Members Press New Record-Breaking Sale on Dune Road, This Time in East Quogue On the Market, Greenwich CT How this Compass broker built a private client network across U.S. luxury markets 7 Stylish Homes With Sophisticated Drinking Lounges on Property ‘Make Me Move’: Sellers Are Listing Their Homes at Ridiculou...
Galina has been offering reliable and quality service in the Chicagoland real estate market for over 20 years. Galina is masterful at simplifying the many details of real estate transactions and ensuring that client expectations are exceeded during the entire process. Making sure that the process is smooth and seamless is the cornerstone of galina's success and maintaining long-term relationships with clients. Galina's professional background in linguistics and paralegal studies rounds out her ...
As a real estate professional, Karin’s goal is to provide world-class customer service, professionalism, and personal attention for you. Having lived most of her life in Westchester, she has the market knowledge and expertise to help buyers and sellers and exceed your expectations. Whether you are selling your home or buying your home, investment properties, or rentals, Karin can give you expert guidance and advice as well as provide you with information about the neighborhoods, communities, ...
For the last 15 years, Tori has leveraged her high-level sales expertise to the benefit of an impressive roster of repeat and referral clients throughout Coastal Orange County. Rimlinger brings her top-ranked Newport Beach real estate practice to Compass. Tori has forged a sterling reputation for going above and beyond for her valued clients and is particularly known for her exceptional client service and responsiveness. Her clients also rely on her keen assessment of market conditions and on t...
For Joseph DeLorenzo, real estate has been a way of life practically since birth. Born into a family of industry professionals, he's been selling real estate since the tender age of 18. From his family's firm in Princeton, New Jersey to the top brokerages in New York City, Joseph has ascended the ranks, earning accolades as a top producer at every turn and has presided over $100 million in sales volume in the past seven years. With an innovative approach to marketing, tenacious negotiating skil...
Nina brings to the world of real estate a background replete in business and creative experience. With over 15 years in customer service, she has an enthusiastic drive for excellence along with a very friendly attitude. Having worked in customer service for many years, Nina understands how to construct a seamless and stress-free transaction from start to finish. Clients and colleagues alike appreciate her transparency and integrity. Through excellence in analytical skills and open communication...
Ed Alvarez is an exceptional luxury real estate advisor holding a CIPS designation. Certified International Property Specialist. He is specialized in helping foreign clients to invest in the Southwest Florida Real Estate and in working with specific client needs in accordance to FRIPTA and various Visa requirements. Ed takes a 'Client 1st' philosophy with his discerning clientele. There are many qualities and skills that go into being an excellent real estate professional – integrity, in-depth...